Dr. Kejun Wu (Faculty HomePage) is currently a Lecturer/Assistant Professor at School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China. Before that, he worked as a Research Fellow researcher from 2022 to 2024 at School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (work with Prof. Yap Kim-Hui and Chau Lap-Pui). His research interest includes Multimodal Large Language Models, Generactive Signal/Image Processing, Computational Imaging, and Learned Video Compression. He has published more than 30 papers in the past 3 years. He serves as an Associate Editor/ Executive Guest Editor/ Editorial Board of MTAP, JVCIR, and ASOC, etc., an Area Chair in IJCNN 2025, a Session Chair in IEEE ICASSP2024, ISCAS2024, and MMSP2023. He is an IEEE Senior Member.
🚀 Recruiting intern/ visiting/ Master/ PhD students interested in MLLM and Gen-AI. Flexible remote learning is welcome.
🚀 招收兴趣从事多模态大模型、生成式AI研究的实习生/ 访问学生/ 硕博研究生, 欢迎线下或远程学习, 欢迎联系.
Professional Activities
- IEEE Senior Member
- Area Chair, IJCNN 2025, Rome, Italy
- Editorial Board, Applied Soft Computing (JCR Q1, 中科院一区TOP)
- Lead Guest Editor, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (JCR Q2)
- Experts of the UWA Technical Planning Expert Group, UHD World Association (UWA, 世界超高清视频产业联盟)
- 专家成员, 中国科协决应急态势感知与应急通信技术决策咨询专家团队
- Special Session Chair, IEEE ISCAS 2024, Singapore
- Special Session Chair, IEEE ICASSP 2024, Korea
- Special Session Chair, IEEE MMSP 2023, France
- Reviewer of IEEE TMM, IEEE TCSVT, IEEE TBc, Pattern Recognition, Measurement, OL, OE, NeurIPS, ICASSP, MICCAI, etc
- 2025.01: Deadline extended to 1st March 2025: Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation Special Issue on Generative Media Processing, Computing, and Evaluation
- 2024.12: Research on Gen-AI based image restoration is submitted to IEEE TPAMI
- 2024.12: Research on LLMs Signal Fault Diagnosis and Image Anomaly Detection are submitted
- 2024.12: 3 papers have been accepted by ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications (JCR Q1)
- 2024.11: I am appointed as $\color{Navy} {Special Session Organizer}$ by IEEE ISCAS 2025, see you in UK 2025
- 2024.11: 2 papers have been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (中科院一区TOP,JCR Q1)
- 2024.10: I am elected as Experts of the UWA Technical Planning Expert Group, UHD World Association
- 2024.08: 1 paper has been accepted by Computer Vision and Image Understanding(JCR Q1)
- 2024.05: I am appointed as $\color{Navy} {Special Session Chair}$ by IEEE ISCAS 2024, Singapore
- 2024.04: I am appointed as $\color{Navy} {Special Session Chair}$ by IEEE ICASSP 2024, Korea
- 2024.01: 2 papers have been accepted by Optics Express and Optics Letters
- 2023.12: I was awarded the $\color{Tomato} {全国金奖}$ in 中国国际大学生创新大赛
- 2023.11: I was awarded the $\color{Tomato} {全国铜奖}$ in 中国博士后创新创业大赛
- 2023.10: I was awarded the $\color{Tomato} {优胜奖}$ in 春晖杯中国留学人员创新创业大赛
- 2023.09: I am appointed as $\color{Navy} {Special Session Chair}$ by IEEE MMSP 2023, France
- 2023.09: 1 paper has been accepted by NeurIPS 2023, New Orleans, USA
Selected Publications
- Kejun Wu, You Yang, Gangyi Jiang, and Xiaoping Zhang, “Hierarchical Independent Coding Scheme for Varifocal Multiview Images based on Angular-focal Joint Prediction,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 26:2993-3006, 2024. $\color{Tomato} {ESI Highly Cited Papers}$
- Kejun Wu, Zhenxing Li, You Yang, Qiong Liu, and Xiaoping Zhang, “End-to-end Deep Video Compression Based on Hierarchical Temporal Context Learning,” in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2024.
- Wenyang Liu, Kejun Wu**, Tianyi Liu, Yi Wang, Kim Hui Yap, and Lap-Pui Chau, “ByteNet: Rethinking Multimedia File Fragment Classification through Visual Perspectives,” in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2024. (Corresponding Author)
- Kejun Wu, Zhenxing Li, You Yang, and Qiong Liu, “Deep Video Compression based on Long-range Temporal Context Learning,” in Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 248(2024): 104127.
- Kejun Wu, Qiong Liu, and Xiaoping Zhang, “Focal Stack Image Compression Based on Basis-Quadtree Representation,” in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 25:3975-3988, 2023.
- Kejun Wu, Qiong Liu, You Yang, and Xiaoping Zhang, “Gaussian-Wiener Representation and Hierarchical Coding Scheme for Focal Stack Images,” in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 32(2):523-537, 2022.
- Xiaoya Yu, Kejun Wu**, You Yang, and Qiong Liu, “WaRENet: A Novel Urban Waterlogging Risk Evaluation Network,” in ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 2024, 20(7):1–28. (Equal Contribution)
- Kejun Wu, Qiong Liu, Kim-Hui Yap, and You Yang, “Multifocal Multiview Imaging and Data Compression based on Angular-Focal-Spatial Representation,” in Optics Letters, 2024.
- Kejun Wu, Qiong Liu, Kim-Hui Yap, and You Yang, “High Dimensional Optical Data Varifocal Multiview Imaging, Compression and Evaluation,” in Optics Express, 2023.
- Kejun Wu, Qiong Liu, Yi Wang, and You Yang, “End-to-end Varifocal Multiview Images Coding Framework from Data Acquisition End to Vision Application End,” in Optics Express, 31(7): 11659-11679, 2023.
- Tianyi Liu, Kejun Wu**, Yi Wang, Wenyang Liu, Kim Hui Yap, and Lap-Pui Chau, “Bitstream corrupted Video Recovery: A Novel Benchmark Dataset and Method,” NeurIPS 2023. (Equal Contribution)
- Jianjun Gao, Kim-Hui Yap, Kejun Wu, Duc Tri Phan, and Kratika Garg, “Contextual Human Object Interaction Understanding from Pre-Trained Large Language Model,” 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, Korea
- Chen Cai, Runzhong Zhang, Jianjun Gao, Kejun Wu, Kim-Hui Yap, Yi Wang, “Temporal Sentence Grounding with Temporally Global Textual Knowledge,” 2024 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Niagra Falls, Canada
- Kejun Wu, Yi Wang, Wenyang Liu, Kim Hui Yap, and Lap-Pui Chau, “A Spatial-Focal Error Concealment Scheme for Corrupted Focal Stack Video,” 2023 Data Compression Conference (DCC), Snowbird, UT, USA, Mar 2023.
Honors & Awards
- 2024.10: Experts of the UWA Technical Planning Expert Group, UHD World Association
- 2023.12: China International College Students’ Innovation Competition (formerly Internet +, Gold Award)
- 2023.12: IET Excellence and Innovation Awards International Awards (Silver Award)
- 2023.11: National Postdoctoral Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Bronze Award, ranked first)
- 2023.10: Chunhui Cup Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for Chinese Overseas Students (ranked first)
- 2023.03: IET Impact in Society Awards (Shortlist)
- 2022.08: Letter of Appreciation from University of Oxford
- 2021.10 - 2022.05: Exchange Ph.D Student, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
- 2018.09 - 2022.06: Ph.D Student, School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- 2016.09 - 2018.06: Master Student, College of Intelligent Science and Engineering, Harbin Engineering University
- 2011.09 - 2015.07: Undergraduate Student, School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation, Shanghai University
- 2023.12, Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
- 2023.03, 2023 Data Compression Conference (DCC), Snowbird, UT, USA
- 2020.03, 2023 Data Compression Conference (DCC), Snowbird, UT, USA
I’m honored to have participated in the supervision of these excellent students:
- F. Li, Master Student, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (LLMs on Byte semantics understanding)
- Z. Li, Master Student, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Alibaba, Beijing)
- C. Zhang, Ph.D Student, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (LLMs on signal processing)
- R. Wang, Ph.D Student, Harbin Engineering University (LLMs on fine-grained recognition)
- S. Wang, Ph.D Student, Harbin Engineering University (LLMs on SAR images)
- J. Gao, Ph.D Student, Nanyang Technological University (LLMs on HOI)
- W. Liu, Ph.D Student, Nanyang Technological University (Gen-AI on image restoration)
- T. Liu, Ph.D Student, Nanyang Technological University (Gen-AI on image restoration)
- W. Zhang, Master Student, National University of Singapore (LLMs on vital signal analytics)
- R. Li, Master Student, National University of Singapore (LLMs on embodied agents)
- C. Cai, Ph.D, National University of Singapore (Scientist, NUS, LLMs on remote sensing)